
If you are a practicing Catholic birth professional, non-Catholic Christian birth professional, or non-Christian pro-life birth professional we would love to include your information on this directory so that prospective clients can find you. Birth professionals include obstetricians, midwives, family practice physicians that attend births, birth doulas, postpartum doulas, bereavement doulas, chiropractors specializing in pregnancy, acupuncturists specializing in pregnancy, lactation consultants, pregnancy care centers, massage therapists, pelvic floor specialists, ultrasound technicians, and more. (Note, we are not currently listing MLM representatives.)

Please note: This site is to help women in finding care specific to pregnancy and birth. We are not listing Natural Family Planning instructors or fertility care providers unless they also provide services specific to pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, and newborn care. 

If you are a Catholic birth professional that would like to be included on this site,
please click here!

If you are a non-Catholic Christian birth professional that would like to be included on this site, 
please click here!

If you are a non-Christian pro-life birth professional that would like to be included on this site,