Welcome to the Catholic Birth Directory!

This site was born from the desire of many mothers who wanted to find birth professionals that share or respect their Catholic and pro-life beliefs. On this site you can find faithful Catholic birth professionals including obstetricians, midwives, doulas, and more listed by state. We know that the beliefs of a provider can profoundly affect the experience of a pregnant woman and that of her baby and we believe that every woman has the right to find a provider whose beliefs on the dignity of the human person reflect that of her own.

To be included on this list, the professionals have accepted our statement of beliefs and practice accordingly. We are also willing to include Christian and pro-life providers that do not identify as Catholic and those providers are indicated as such. You can find the statement of practice for non-Catholic Christians here and for non-Christian pro-life professionals here.

Do you know a provider that you think should be listed here?
The most efficient way to get their information on here is for YOU to tell them about CatholicBirth.com! Share THIS LINK WITH THEM and ask them to submit their information.

All information is true to the best of our knowledge. The Catholic Birth Directory is not responsible for any outcome resulting from the use of the information included on this site. Inclusion on this site does not necessarily indicate promotion of a specific provider or professional's practices or methods of care. We encourage every mother to research evidence based birth practice and seek out birth professionals who adhere to those practices and which is reflected in their statistics. We encourage every mother to ask questions of any prospective birth professional they are considering. We hope this ministry will be a blessing to mothers and babies and give you helpful information to make the choice that is best for you in your individual circumstances.

This site is to help women in finding care specific to pregnancy and birth. If you are looking for a provider for the purposes of Natural Family Planning and ethically sound fertility care, we'd like to refer you to the NFP Directory provided by One More Soul, with which we are not affiliated.

This site does not charge and is offered as a free service for mothers and birth professionals to help promote a culture of life before, during, and after birth.

Our Lady of Childbirth, pray for us!

Stanisława Leszczyńska, pray for us!